Welcome to DRuMFISH Project
The DRuMFISH project aimed to advance methods for advice on the status and management of data-poor stocks in mixed fisheries. It ran from the December 2015 to December 2017.
In order to meet the project aim, we undertook a review of assessment and management approaches for data-poor stocks and identify relevant approaches for application in case studies and wider EU fisheries. The case studies are: Adriatic Sea, Bay of Biscay, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Aegean Sea, Celtic Sea, and Western Mediterranean.
The project was structured in several work packages, each reflecting a part of the work envisaged in the project. In the “Review” work package a review was conducted of methods for data-poor stock assessments. The review identified two methods that have already been used within the ICES advisory system and provide the required tools for DRUMFISH: catch-MSY (CMSY, Martell and Froese 2013) for data-limited cases, and the stochastic surplus production model in continuous time (SPiCT, Pedersen and Berg 2017) for data-moderate cases. These methods produce consistent outputs, and can be straight-forwardly incorporated into the simulation tools currently available for DRUMFISH.
In the “Simulation test” work package we focused on the identification of tools to conduct mixed-fisheries simulations. This work package developed methods required to incorporate the data poor stocks in simulation frameworks.
The Barcelona seminar
The project organized a seminar on “management of data poor stocks in mixed fisheries” from 6-8 September, 2016. A number of external experts on data-limited and mixed fisheries management from jurisdictions outside of Europe were invited. The seminar provided the opportunity to collaborate in the different case studies in the DRuMFISH project and many discussions and presentations were held on the research methods and results among the participants. The seminar was open to project participants, DG-MARE experts, and colleagues with an interest in the field.
The DRuMFISH project was funded under EU Service Contract N° EASME/EMFF/2014/ Ownership of all results is by EASME, the Contracting Authority.
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